Hippocrates once said that “all disease begins in the gut.” Indeed, an unhealthy gut flora (also known as ‘gut dysbiosis’) is often the root cause of a number of illnesses and health issues — Elizabeth Lipski, PhD believes an unbalanced gut can cause arthritis, autoimmune illness, vitamin B deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, acne food allergies and food sensitivities and inflammatory bowel disease.When gut health is damaged or weakened – perhaps by stress or overuse of antibiotics – the entire body becomes more vulnerable to disease. So, what you can do about it?
There are many natural substances available to help you wipe out harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi from your gut terrain. In his best-selling book “Clean” leading US-based physician Alejandro Junger describes natural anti-microbials like Zane Hellas’s oregano oil as “health insurance.” He continues: “For a little extra investment upfront they save money over the long term on doctor’s visits, prescription drugs, and missed workdays. They’ll add years to your life.”
Natural antimicrobials destroy the bad bacteria lurking in your gut and allow the good flora (think acidophilus, bifidobacteria, etc) to reign supreme, thus reducing bloating, improving elimination and even providing clearer skin and fresher breath, from the inside out.
Suggestions: when travelling abroad, you may find yourself exposed to contaminated food or drinking water. A few drops of Zane Hellas’s Super 40 diluted oregano oil under your tongue may help improve your resistance to bacteria and viruses.
Psychological and physical stress have been found to contribute to intestinal dysbiosis. Stressful events like divorce, the death of a loved one – or even moving home or changing jobs, can contribute to a cascade of stress-induced chemical reactions that destroy the delicate balance of your gut bacteria.
To restore intestinal balance, it’s important to slow down where possible and focus on taking care of yourself. Eating a wholesome, nutrient-dense diet and engaging in stress reducing practices such as yoga and meditation can help immensely.
Suggestions: fish oil is both soothing and anti-inflammatory to the intestinal tract and its high Omega 3 content helps lower the stress hormone cortisol.
The word “symbiosis” means “living in harmony.” By contrast “dysbiosis” means the opposite. It means the bad bacteria have taken over and there is a dangerous imbalance.
Achieving a balanced, healthy gut is not just about killing off the bad guys. You also need to replenish the good bacteria. One of the enemies of the ‘good guys’ is antibiotics. While antibiotics are often necessary and can even be life-saving, the word “antibiotic” actually means “against life.” Whenever you take them, the good bacteria that should be thriving in your gut will probably take a beating. (Chlorinated tap water is also said to destroy good gut bacteria.)
Good flora are essential to our wellness. They help with digestion, absorption of nutrients and energy and they even help produce vitamins within our bodies and control the growth of dangerous bacteria.
There are several ways to start repopulating your gut with the right bacteria. Perhaps the simplest is to simply order some strong probiotics – we like these. You can also introduce fermented foods like natural probiotic yoghurt, kimchi and kefir into your diet. But replenishing good bacteria actually begins with prebiotics. These are basically fibrous substances that feed the good bacteria and help them grow and flourish. The more prebiotics you provide for your probiotics to feast on, the faster and healthier they will grow. The most powerful prebiotics include acacia gum, chicory root, garlic, onion, dandelion greens and Jerusalem artichoke. Our immune boosting powerhouse product Immune Premium contains prebiotic garlic and Candidfree contains both garlic and acacia gum.
Suggestions: use garlic, onion, artichoke and other naturally prebiotic foods in your cooking. Consider trying Immune Premium or Candida Stop.